Find your squad

Faux app for people to find others to play multiplayer games with. Gaming social media network for young adults, featuring console, PC, and mobile games.

SOS phones
file with lines solid icon

Gamers can take a personality test to determine their personality type, that's used as a basis for recommendations on new games, new friends, etc that suit you! The test is based on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

square rss solid icon

Stay up-to-date with the latest news in the gaming community, updated every few hours to refresh your feed. Articles on the biggest video game news, rumors, previews, and info about PC, console, and mobile titles you play!

calendar icon

When is the best time everyone's free to hop on the game? Looking to save the date on the next tournament to play? Use the calendar feature to lock in those times and be ready to game!

O1 Large Apex Legends video game
O2 Small Dead by daylight video game
O3 small Minecraft video game
O4 large Overwatch video game

Connect with others through your favorite games

Add your favorite titles and your rank to your profile. Join squads based on your favorite game and make connections through a common interest. Search by the game title and add a review, featuring titles from PC, console, and mobile app games!

Communicate with your squad with in-app chat

Use the in-app chat feature to talk about plans with your friends. Join group messaging or private message other gamers directly. Name your group chats, and explore other profiles by clicking on their profile picture!

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chat2 group member message
chat3 user message

Squad on Site

Find your squad.
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